Sunday 12 February 2012

Top Ten....Ink and textures

Most of my research looks at videos that are very layered and textured, built up by a combination of masks to add depth to what you are viewing. Within my work I want to use moving layers on ink to communicate my subject matter of being underwater, I think that ink and liquid is instantly recognizable because of its characteristics. Below is a few scanned textures I've been putting together using quink ink, bleach and water. When you apply a layer of water before applying the ink, it gives the ink a surface to disperse across making lots of interesting patterns.


After scanning in my different ink samples I started to edit them in photoshop quite simply just using the threshold tool and colour overlays to flatten out the layers ready to start working in After efffects.

Since playing around in Photoshop with the ink Layers I've created I've moved across to after effects creating simple movements with just mask layers and a camera. Slowly revelaing each ink layer as if they were flowing across the screen. Results are Below.

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